I don't know exactly why I do art.
Art, for the most part is just a social exchange.
So what sense does it make to exchange with
just myself. Communication over Form,
the group over the individual.

The Dastardly group, of scumbags and villains.
Look at Micheal Jackson, he is dead now.
And finally has been forgiven for being a human being.
Look at us, Look at yourself whomever is reading this
and feel terrible for ridiculing an individual who
devoted himself to you.

Morning means feeling sad. Sadness doesn't equal
going and getting coked up and having sex with a stranger,
at a party. We are a disgust bunch. Ahmadinejad deserves
to become president of Iran, and He should pull a Travis Bickle on this
whole country like the whore house it is.
We are a worthless and Godless group.

So America feel sad feel very sad.
Micheal Jackson is dead.

1 comment:

~PakKaramu~ said...

Pak Karamu reading your blog